Rubik's Cube Solver

A Rubik’s Cube solver is a calculator that helps you solve a scrambled Rubik’s Cube from any valid starting position.

There are many online applications to do this task in seconds which is great news because you don't need to install a mobile application to carry out the task. All you have to do is open an online solver, input your scramble and the program will calculate the steps leading to the solution.

There are many online Rubik’s Cube solvers available, such as or one at which can help you solve your Rubik’s Cube quickly and easily.

Isn't This Cheating?

It depends on how you look at it. Some people consider using a solver program cheating while others consider it a learning tool. It’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to use a Rubik’s Cube solver to solve your Rubik’s Cube. If you’re interested in learning how to solve a Rubik’s Cube without using a solver, there are many resources available online that can help you learn how to solve it step by step.
Visit for the easiest beginner's method.